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Macon Chapter Helps Habitat For Humanity in December 2011
In December 2011 the Black Sabbath M.C. Macon Chapter volunteered to help out Habitat For Humanity. They volunteered their time, skills and hearts to assist in building homes for the homeless. "A good time was had by all" said Ride or Die, South East Regional President.
Black Sabbath Atlanta Chapter Gives Bycycles In Atlanta 2011
For the second year the Black Sabbath Atlanta Chapter particpated in the South East Atlanta Fire Department's toy give away. Since a particular need is always in giving away bycycles we decided to donate bycycles for the second year," said Freight Train, President of the Atlanta Chapter. "There just are not enough bycycles to go around. There are 400 plus kids who are participating and only about 100 bikes to go around. We are going to keep raising money for more bikes next year until we can finally give away a bycycle for every kid! It is just a sad thing to watch the look on kid's faces when their brother or sister gets a bike and they cannot have one." Said Freight Train.
The Atlanta chapter was presented with a plaque from Captain Howard for our second year of participation. The National President was presented with a chellenge medal. "I intend to take this challenge to continue or charitable giving throughout all of our chapters, and especially here to get enough bikes for everyone," said Black Dragon National President of the Mighty Black Sabbath M.C. Nation.