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Our Lost And Fallen But Never Forgotten BSFFBS
Dr. Eddy Pierre-Jerome Passed February 23, 2014
Dr. Eddy Pierre-Jerome
- November 24, 1956 - February 23, 2014
- San Diego, California
The Mighty Black Sabbath Motorcycle Club Nation is in deep morning for the loss of our own beloved Doc who became of member of the San Diego chapter in 1997. Doc passed
away while riding his motorcycle in the desert doing what he loved - living life on two as Mighty Black Sabbath Nomads have always been known to do. Doc was a veteran
of the United States Navy. He practiced dentistry there and set his life up early in the service of others by using his skills to heal the sick and injured. In later years Doc opened a Dentist
practice in Tijuana, Mexico where he continued to use his skills in the service of mankind. In the Navy Doc was qualified Surface Warfare, qualified Jump Wings, and qualified Aviation Warfare.
"I remember when Doc first stood under the "light of truth" and professed his desire to become a member of the Black Sabbath MC back in the early 90's," said John E. Bunch II National President of
the Mighty Black Sabbath Motorcycle Club Nation. "He was such a kind and gentle man. He was soft spoken and unassuming. He could always be counted on, he was dependable and honest and just a joyful
person to be near. Once we rode to a party in Los Angles somewhere and we got lost on a foggy night. We were so far away from LA and San Diego and the night was foggy and cold. It was the first time
we ever slept out on picnic tables in the cold, misty fog. We were flying down the highway trying to find a highway that would take us home - we must have been doing 130 mph when we picked up a
highway patrol chase! They must have had six cars. When they pulled us over finally, they were so mad that I was sure we were going to jail - but Doc's calm manner and respectful behavior saved the
day. He had those guys eating out of his hands and we got away with only $500 tickets - which was an astronomical amount of money in those days but far better than going to jail!"
"I also remember Doc being with me the first time I ever led a Black Sabbath MC pack as a Road Captain," said Dragon. "He was a good friend and an honest a loyal member of our club family. I am going
to miss him. I'm surely going to miss him. He was a member long before there were Black Sabbath clubhouses spread from coast to coast. When Doc started there was only Wichita, Kansas and the Mother
chapter. He was part of the fabric that built our nation. We will all miss Doc!"
The Black Dragon has declared the week of February 3rd a week of morning for Doc. He has asked that all Black Sabbath M.C. clubhouses burn a candle for Doc and observe a 60 second period of silence
with our throttle hands raised in the very next club meeting.
"We will see you on the other side. Hail brother of the Might Black Sabbath Motorcycle Club Nation!" said Dragon.
family and friends bid you goodbye.
Gathered this day united in sorrow,
yet sure in faith of a brighter tomorrow.
Although you've gone, we feel you near.
You are so loved by everyone here.
You touched our lives in numerous ways.
and brightened so many of our days.
Sharing memories of time with you
is something that we love to do.
We laugh, we cry, with joy and pain.
Goodbye for now, until we meet again.
Our Brothers Who Have Passed On
Papa Vern was a club elder who always had a smile. Turbo was loved by all. Godfather was recruited to be the senior advisor to the club. Coochie's dying wish was that the club would never be allowed to become extinct ...All died before seeing the Mighty Black Sabbath Motorcycle Club Nation grow to encompass chapters around the country. They provided our foundation and we know today they would all be proud.
Black Dragon
PrezNational BSFFBS
The Murder of our San Diego President Wild Dogg
This day we bury our brother. He was good to us. So we loved him. He was honest with us. So we respected him. He was trusted by us. So we followed him. He was an example to us. So we admired him.
He worked hard for us. So we worked hard for him. It is hard to express in words what a wonderful man Clyde was. He led by example and was the first to roll up his
sleeves; which is all you can ask from a President. He worked his way up from being just an honorary member to becoming a President; which is all you can ask from a leader! That feat was unheard of
in our nation as he was the first and only to do so. He was the first to do a lot of things in the Mighty Black Sabbath M.C. Nation. I would be happy with a club of only ten brothers, if they were
all like him. His children, lover, brothers, sisters, co-workers and mighty motorcycle club nation will dearly miss him. And his National President will miss him, his strength, courage, unshakeable
morals, disciplined leadership and his love for the Mighty Black Sabbath Motorcycle Club Nation. Conceived in 1972, launched in 1974 and still strong! And we shout, "Black Sabbath!!!" and the answer
is 'A Breed Apart!"
Ride Now, eternally with the Heavenly Father
You've Had Our Backs Long Enough Prez Storm
Black Dragon
National President
Mighty Black Sabbath Motorcycle Club Nation
A Breed Apart (1974)
Black Sabbath Forever Forever Black Sabbath (BSFFBS)
Our Focus
The Mighty Black Sabbath M.C. Nation is intently focused on laying our beloved brother and chapter President to rest - while surrounding his family with the greatest care and love our broken hearts can muster. At this point that is our number one concern. All other things are secondary. We ask that those who are able to donate to his family please do so on PayPal to
We would like to say that our nation is overwhelmed by the outpouring of prayer, love, condolences, support, good wishes and heart-felt stories shared by those of you who knew President Wild Dogg, had a chance to casually meet him or who are simply strangers that share our pain and loss. Thank you. Your words ease our suffering. Know that we are passing your kind words, texts and emails to Wild Dogg's family.
We also want to say thank you to the scores of Mighty Motorcycle Club Nations who have emailed, called, sent texts and messengers to convey to our M.C. Nation the solidarity of the brotherhood of IRON AND WIND; the glue that bonds those of us who ride on two! Your M.C. Nations have made it clear that your eyes of protection are upon us.
We have received calls and have been asked if we feel there is an attack on San Diego MC's in general as there is concern, rumors and fear generating around the Set. President Wild Dogg would tell us, if he were here, that no thug, terrorist or coward should ever intimidate us or sway us from doing what we love. He would tell us to never fear cowards who attack from the shadows.
He would challenge us to remember that our beloved country did not allow fear-mongers to change our style of living when out of cowardice they flew hijacked planes of innocents into our symbols of freedom on 9/11; we too will not allow cowardly, lawless, thugs and low-lifes to terrorize us or cause us to tremble today! The Mighty Black Sabbath M.C. Nation will continue to thrive as we have since 1972 when we initially gathered to ride the first Honda 305 Scrambler the club ever owned, till 1974 when we officially formed and moved into 4280 Market Street, until today 40 years later, as we proudly occupy chapters across the nation, representing the values of our 7 founding fathers.
As we continue to appropriately mourn our brother's loss we recognize that this terrorist act was not committed in a vacuum. Someone or some ones in our neighborhood know(s) WHO IS RESPONSIBLE for this vile act of terror. We ask that person or persons who know(s) WHO DID THIS to remember the Sabbath's 40 year reputation in the San Diego Mount Hope community. We ask that you remember our contributions to the community. We ask that you remember our love for the children, toy donations, and runs for charity. We ask that you remember that we have never brought crime, shame or corruption to this neighborhood. We ask that you observe the solidarity and overwhelming love, respect and support that has been showered on the memory of President Wild Dogg. Then we ask that you search your heart, pick up the phone and call the San Diego Police Department. Help bring these lawless thugs to justice for the senseless murder of an honorable, innocent man!
Love, Honor and Respect to the MC Nations
Black Dragon
'A Breed Apart'
Since 1974 and Still Strong!
The Sobering Loss of a Mighty Black Sabbath M.C. President
We continue to struggle to cope with the sobering reality that despite four decades of peaceful, non-violent existence and extensive community service contributions at 4280 Market Street, we
this Mother's Day Sunday having suffered the cowardly, brutal assassination of a Black Sabbath M.C. President, Wild Dogg.
Wild Dogg's brothers want the world to know that he was a family man who loved to do things for others. He worked his way up from an "Honorary" member to becoming the President of the San
chapter. He led by example, rolling up his sleeves to accomplish menial tasks around the club because he felt that he wasn't better than anyone, he wouldn't ask a prospect to paint a wall that
wouldn't paint first himself. He took on the formidable task of leading the San Diego chapter forward after a difficult club split late last year. He was a responsible brother with big shoulders.
was simply a very nice person who did not deserve to be shot down in the street like a rabid dog.
Wild Dogg was a well respected leader and brought great credibility to the Mighty Black Sabbath M.C. Nation. He held himself to our highest standards in keeping with our bylaws, greatest
and his personal integrity.
Our brother Wild Dogg's martyrdom will never be forgotten.
San Diego Police ask anyone with more information about the killing to call detectives at (619) 531-2293
Black Dragon, National President (BSFFBS)
A Breed Apart Since 1974 and Still Strong!
Wild Dogg Prez San Diego Chapter
The Mighty Black Sabbath Motorcycle Club Nation is stunned by the apparent murder of San Diego Chapter President Wild Dogg. Though details are sketchy at this point, Wild Dogg was allegedly shot in front of the Mother Chapter, 4280 Market Street San Diego, California 92103, multiple times at approximately 11:00 p.m. Friday May 11, 2012.
"We don't know much, except he is gone and will be greatly missed" said National President Black Dragon. "The Black Sabbath Nation will exercise calm, patience and discipline as we work through this process. We will cooperate with authorities to give them whatever assistance they may require."
Wild Dogg was greatly respected and admired among his peers, the Presidents of the Mighty Black Sabbath M.C. Nation. He took over a troubled San Diego chapter late in 2011, rebuilt, re-staffed and re-tooled it demonstrating amazing leadership skills and political savvy. His ability to work with people and bring about positive and effective change contributed greatly to the credibility and reputation of the San Diego chapter.
Wild Dogg was survived by his long term girlfriend, 2 daughters and 7 brothers and sisters. We ask everyone in the Motorcycle Set community and in the general San Diego community to pray for his family and loved ones. We will release more details as they become available. Thank you in advance for your love, prayers and support.
The Black Sabbath M.C. has been a landmark in San Diego for four decades. It was founded in 1972 by 7 black men who rode on Sundays. In 1974 the club acquired their club house (the Mother Chapter) at 4280 Market Street where they have been ever since. The Mighty Black Sabbath M.C. Nation sprung forward from San Diego and is now a multi-cultural club with chapters across the Nation.