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Mighty Black Sabbath M.C. Nation News and Gossip
Black Sabbath San Diego 40+ Years
San Diego, CA February 2010 by The Black Dragon
Excitement filled the air as Motorcycle Clubs rolled into San Diego last weekend. The Black Sabbath Motorcycle Club celebrated 36 years of a way of life at the corner of 4280 Market Street in San Diego, California. This mighty motorcycle club deserves its place in history as “The longest standing African American motorcycle club in San Diego, California” since 1974.”
The Early Days were the days before the 805 freeway. We lived in a happy, inescapable, blighted neighborhood in South East San Diego. The neighborhood was undergoing preparation for demolition to make way for a new highway, the 805 freeway.
“There were demolished neighborhoods of nothing but empty streets then,” recalls Paul ‘Pep’ Perry, National President and last surviving active member of the founding brothers who formulated Black Sabbath Motor Cycle Club.